Fundraising Fashion Shows

Achieve your Fundraising goals with Travelling Trends

Welcome and Thankyou for stopping by

Since its conception over 20 years ago, Travelling Trends has hosted thousands of successful fundraising fashion shows, which in turn, have helped to raise thousands of pounds for many charitable organisations.

All our shows are LIVELY, COLOURFUL, FRESH AND LOTS OF FUN.  Through professionalism, hard work, commitment and our understanding of customer needs, we have earned our excellent reputation as the leading Fundraising Fashion Show company in the South.  We make NO CHARGE for our shows – just a small refundable deposit**. 

Organising one of our fundraising fashion shows is easy as WE DO THE HARD WORK FOR YOU and this website has been designed as a guide for the part you will play, together with an indication of the service you can expect from us as standard.

We put body and soul into each and every fashion show and we promise to be with you every step of the way.  Working together, with dedication and commitment from both sides, ensures your fundraising fashion show is the success it should be!

If you are looking to host an entertaining evening of FASHION, FUN and FUNDRAISING in the South of England then look no further than Travelling Trends Fundraising Fashion Shows.  All areas covered are on our HOW TO BOOK page  call your local agent to discuss

**terms and conditions apply



We would also like to thank the Artist that has allowed us the use of her beautifully sketched images, These individual drawings are from  a live catwalk that was compared by Kerry in the spring  of 2019   for more information contact Lucy (live event artist)